Hello all !
I am currently trying to clean up our WSUS servers. I am using my Windows 7 64bit pc for testing. I currently have 42 updates that have not been approved on my WSUS, they are just waiting for me to approve. ( I don't approve right away ).
When I pull up the report of that 64-bit windows 7 machine from WSUS from WSUS it shows the following;
Status Summary
0 failed
13 updates have not installed
0 updates have been installed or not applicable
0 updates have unknown status
When i drill down further - it says that those updates are set to INSTALL and show as NOT INSTALLED or DOWNLOADED..
These are critical updates or Office 2003/2007 updates... I have Office 2010
My question is why are they showing up as the YELLOW Needed if they are truely not needed?
Would a bitsadmin /reset clear this up?