The message "The service master key could not be force regenerated as requested by the -F startup option. The error number is 33094." appears in the Application log on the Windows 2012 R2 server that runs WSUS on our network.
For example:
9:40:59pm The service master key could not be force regenerated as requested by the -F startup option. The error number is 33094.
9:41:00pm The Windows Internal Database service entered the running state.
Nothing bad seems to happen as a result of this message popping up in the event logs, but I'd like to get to the bottom of it anyway.
I've Googled for a solution, but so far I haven't found one.
Matty Brown<br/> Computer Programmer (VBA 7.0/MS Access 2010, VB.Net 2005, ColdFusion 8)