Iam trying to fetch the approved security and critical updates status for a machine .But the results given by default report and my query are different.Here is the query am using
Declare @ComputerName varchar(200)
Declare @InstallCount as int
Declare @FailedCount as int
Declare @UnknownCount as int
DECLARE cursor_variable CURSOR FOR
SELECT [FullDomainName]
FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbComputerTarget] where ([TargetID] in
(SELECT [TargetID] FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbTargetInTargetGroup]
where ( [TargetGroupID] in (SELECT [TargetGroupID]
FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbTargetGroup]where [Name] in
('wks Staging',
'wks Production - DOZ',
'wks Service Desk',
'wks Exception',
'wks FUT',
'Wks Win7 CorpSupport',
'Wks Win7',
'wks Production',
'wks Production - Mindscape',
'wks Production - Al Salam',
'wks Corporate Support',
'wks Corporate Systems',
'IE7 - DOZ',
'IE7 - Mindscape',
'wks Production - DAC',
'wks Pre-Production')))))
OPEN cursor_variable
FETCH Next from cursor_variable INTO @ComputerName
SELECT @InstallCount=count(Distinct [MSKBNumber])
FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[v_AllSecurityAndCriticalUpdatesStatusOnAllComputers] where [Status]='Installed' and [Action]='Install' and
SELECT @FailedCount=count(Distinct [MSKBNumber])
FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[v_AllSecurityAndCriticalUpdatesStatusOnAllComputers] where [Status]='Failed' and [Action]='Install' and
SELECT @UnknownCount=count(Distinct [MSKBNumber])
FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[v_AllSecurityAndCriticalUpdatesStatusOnAllComputers] where [Status]='Unknown' and [Action]='Install' and
Update Workstations set
where ComputerName=@ComputerName
FETCH Next from cursor_variable INTO @ComputerName
CLOSE cursor_variable;
DEALLOCATE cursor_variable
I have tried the below of no use
Select knowledgebasearticle
from PUBLIC_VIEWS.vComputerTarget COMP
join PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateInstallationInfo UINF on COMP.ComputerTargetID = UINF.ComputertargetID
join PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdate UPDT on UINF.UpdateID = UPDT.UpdateID
join PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateApproval UDTA on UPDT.UpdateID = UDTA.UpdateID
where classificationID in ('E6CF1350-C01B-414D-A61F-263D14D133B4', '0FA1201D-4330-4FA8-8AE9-B877473B6441')
and Name='machinename' and [Action]='Install' and (state='1' or state='4' )
what is the mistake am doing?
I want the count of all approved security and critical updates installed on a machine.
Any help?
gowthaman J