I am trying to setup SCCM on a single server. The server is Windows 2008 R2, with SQL 2008 R2. Before I setup SCCM, I want to put WSUS 3.0 SP2 on the box, however the install fails with an error on the screen.
"There is a problem with this windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact...."
Event ID 11722 pops up in the application log. Giving this...
Product: Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action ExConfigureDb, location: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI8DA3.tmp, command: -S HQ1SVRSMS010 -F SUSDB -i "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\CreateDatabase.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\mwus_database_schema.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\ServerSync.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\ClientWebService.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\Setup.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\Reporting.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\ReportingSummarization.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\ReportingRollup.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\AdminAPI.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\popdb.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\EvtNamespaceImport.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\SqlSettings.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\Inventory.sql;C:\Program Files\Update Services\Database\PublicViews.sql" -l "C:\Users\LINDLO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\3\WSUSCa_110121_0902.log"
Setup Log File....
2011-01-21 09:10:32 Success MWUSSetup Installing WSUS...
2011-01-21 09:10:32 Success CustomActions.Dll Unable to get INSTALL_LANGUAGE property, calculating it...
2011-01-21 09:10:32 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully set propery of WSUS admin groups' full names
2011-01-21 09:10:32 Success CustomActions.Dll .Net framework path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Creating user group: WSUS Reporters with Description: WSUS Administrators who can only run reports on the Windows Server Update Services server.
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Creating WSUS Reporters user group
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll WSUS Reporters user group already exists
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created WSUS Reporters user group
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Creating user group: WSUS Administrators with Description: WSUS Administrators can administer the Windows Server Update Services server.
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Creating WSUS Administrators user group
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll WSUS Administrators user group already exists
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created WSUS Administrators user group
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully created WSUS user groups
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Succesfully set binary SID property
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Succesfully set binary SID property
2011-01-21 09:10:34 Success CustomActions.Dll Successfully set binary SID properties
2011-01-21 09:24:55 Error MWUSSetup InstallWsus: MWUS Installation Failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
2011-01-21 09:24:55 Error MWUSSetup CInstallDriver::PerformSetup: WSUS installation failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
2011-01-21 09:24:55 Error MWUSSetup CSetupDriver::LaunchSetup: Setup failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
2011-01-21 09:24:56 Error MWUSSetup DoInstall: Wsus setup failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
Frustrating to say the least. This is a brand new server. Microsoft REALLY needs to update SCCM, the fact that is has to use WSUS for updating clients is a joke.....but I have to use this tool at work.
Any help would be great!
Thanks, -Lindy