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WSUS Console Random Crashes


I have random problems with WSUS.

Most things work, but we cannot view declined updates.  When select All Updates and the then select Declined from the drop down, it sometimes causes WSUS console to crash with an error connecting.

We cannot ever remove defunct computer groups.  If we select a computer group and select Delete, it displays an hourglass for a couple of minutes and always fails with an error "An unexpected error occurred."

This is not for just one user.

What can we do for these types of errors?

WSUS console works otherwise except for those 2 problems we have noticed..

Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM


What does the following warning mean? Seems to occur throughout my windowsupdate.log on WS2012 client

WARNING: Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM, assuming not exempt, error = 0x80240037

MS SQL resinstallation on WSUS server.


Hello Team,

I have WSUS server running on windows 2003. it is having SQL express edtion installed on it for the DB.

SQL on that server got corrupted. SQL service is not appearing in services.msc. i have database on C drive.

at this moment i am getting error on WSUS as database cannot be connected. but if i approve the patches it is working properly.


if i reinstall SQL express will it keep exiting approvals intact or that will get affected?



WSUS clients talking to sls.update.microsoft.com:443.



I noticed a number of our servers are trying to get to sls.update.Microsoft.comeven though they are WSUS clients.

I understand that sls.update.microsoft.com is the windows product update site but I would have thought WSUS clients would only go to WSUS for all updates. What might be the problem, if any




Windows 10 computers showing on WSUS Server 2012 R2 as Windows Vista

Will there be a windows update for WSUS to fixit Windows 10 computers showing as Windows Vista?

Strange permission issue when installing WSUS on 2012 R2


I added the WSUS role to a completely new 2012 R2 VM. All available updates installed before adding the role. I set it to store updates locally on E:\WSUS

After the role has been added, Server Manager asks me to allow some "After Deployment Configuration tasks" to be done. I accept. However the action fails without any specific error. When I launch the WSUS Console it asks me for where to store updates. The value I added earlier is already entered (E:\WSUS). I hit OK but after a while it fails and references a log file, see further down below. 

I try to reinstall the role but with same problem. 

I also tried to use C:\WSUS as the location but with the same error.

I have tried to add "Full access" for "Authenticated users" on the folder with no luck.

Thank you,


Log file: 


2015-07-31 15:11:11  Value is C:\WSUS
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Fetching group SIDs...
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Value is S-1-5-21-2082564118-847745128-1538012364-1001
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Fetching WsusReportersSid from registry store
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Value is S-1-5-21-2082564118-847745128-1538012364-1002
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Creating group principals...
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Granting directory permissions...
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Granting permissions on content directory...
2015-07-31 15:11:11  Granting registry permissions...
2015-07-31 15:11:11  System.Security.AccessControl.PrivilegeNotHeldException: Processen saknar privilegiet SeSecurityPrivilege som krävs för denna åtgärd.
   vid System.Security.AccessControl.Win32.GetSecurityInfo(ResourceType resourceType, String name, SafeHandle handle, AccessControlSections accessControlSections, RawSecurityDescriptor& resultSd)
   vid System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity.CreateInternal(ResourceType resourceType, Boolean isContainer, String name, SafeHandle handle, AccessControlSections includeSections, Boolean createByName, ExceptionFromErrorCode exceptionFromErrorCode, Object exceptionContext)
   vid System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity..ctor(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, String name, AccessControlSections includeSections)
   vid Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.GetAccessControl(AccessControlSections includeSections)
   vid Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ConfigurePermissions.GrantRegistryPermissions(IdentityReference identity, RegistryRights registryRights)
   vid Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ConfigurePermissions.GrantRegistryPermissions()
   vid Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Run()
   vid Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Execute(String[] arguments)

Move WSUS Content and DB


Our Wsus runs on server 2008 R2. We are running out of space on the drive. Can we use these instructions to move the WSUS content and DB:


Especially the SUSDB section (number 2 and 7)

Rogue WSUS updates


Hello all,

I am running a WSUS server Version: 3.2.7600.226 in a 2003 domain environment with about 2500 client computers. I have a GPO that defines the update schedules for our retail servers. The GPO basically allows the client servers to download approved updates anytime, install said updates every Thursday at 02:00 and wait for a manually executed reboot that takes place at 05:00 the same morning. This timing is important as our retail servers run several nightly transaction processes and have a limited window to reboot. Generally this system works as expected but for the past few months I have seen several but not all servers reboot shortly after the update install at 02:00 or less frequently out of nowhere. I generally understand the deadline mechanics of WSUS as well as WSUS server update priority over client updates but we don't configure our updates with deadlines. I have looked at all of our approved updates past and present and none of them show a configured deadline. These unscheduled reboots severely impact our process and I am taking quite a bit of heat for these events. Does anyone know if there are "default" deadlines that may be configured for say 'critical' updates or some other classification? Looking at my configuration I cannot see any other reason why these clients are being driven to reboot off schedule. I have also considered update dependencies but have not been able to find any supporting documentation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

WSUS post-installation fails Access Denied to Update Services


We are experiencing the exact same error as this site posted here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/46cb543a-20b8-4741-9ee5-b734b3524cb2/wsus-unable-to-complete-post-installation?forum=winserverwsus

FixSubscriptionCategories failed. Exception: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.ApiRemoting' threw an exception. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'Update Services' is denied.

I have tried multiple times to uninstall WSUS, IIS, WID, Folder structure, remove WSUS administration site, etc... nothing has worked so far. Also getting BPA analyzer warning about SelfHelp folder is not configured properly. Please help!!

Windows Server 2012 R2, SCCM 2012 R2, WSUS 6.9.6300 ? 

Downstream server has less updates than the Upstream server.


Hi, I have a DSS (Downstream server) that syncs the metadata from a USS(Upstream server) at our place. I counted the number of updates in the database using the `IsLatestRevision` field in the revision table. They are different on both the WSUS servers.

The DSS has less updates than the USS. The query is as follows. 

  FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbRevision]
  where IsLatestRevision=1

Is this the proper way to count the number of updates, if yes, why there is a mismatch. 
Please help, i am confused on this. Any help appreciated.

No computers are showing up in WSUS console


Hey all, I have WSUS installed on Server 2012R2. I have some test Windows 7 computers in an OU I created and my GPO is linked to that OU (double-checked) but none of my computers are showing up in the WSUS console. I double-checked under Options > Computers and Use the Update Services console is checked. When I Google this issue I keep getting pointed to sites that pertain to Server 2003. I've never set up WSUS before so I'm starting to think that there are some hidden "Gotchas" that got me. Any ideas? Suggestions? Recommendations?


Joe B

No Windows 10 Updates visible in WSUS 3.2

Any questions in this forum have been previously were at the time of the pre release. Now Windows 10 is officially: will there be support for Windows 10 in WSUS 3.2? I see that the categories are visible, when will the public available updates be released to WSUS?

WSUS not working properly on Windows 2012 Server


I have WSUS installed on a Windows 2008 server. I have 5 2008 Servers and recently installed 2 Windows 2012 Server. I also have Windows 7 and 8 workstations. I have a GPO which pushed the WSUS settings to all my machines. I have a separate one for the servers which doesn't install updates, but only downloads and notifies.

For some reason only my Windows 2012 Servers seem to have a problem. I verified that the GPO was in fact pushed to the server registries. Whenever I reboot the server on the login screen to the bottom right it shows that there updates that need to be installed. However, if I go to the Windows Update section I get the message that these settings are set by my administrator and I can not manually install. It says the last time updates were installed on this screen were April 27, 2015. Any ideas where I can check what is preventing the updates. If not, what is the best way to put back the Update to go directly to Microsoft and not thourgh my WSUS internally and I will update these 2 separately.


WSUS Hosted on 2012R2 and Client Reporting Woes


Greetings All,

I've been working on this for the last two weeks and am not getting anywhere.  I'm hoping someone here might have some insight.  I have a WSUS server running on 2012 R2, which has been working flawlessly until July.  I suddenly find myself unable to many of my clients to update to the WSUS server.  Many will update, and the ones who will work and won't remain consistent (except for one broken one I've managed to fix, but no idea how).  There were no implemented configuration changes made to the WSUS server, or the clients, up to the point when I started having the issues.  

The clients are combination of physical machines, virtual machines, DCs, member servers, and desktop machines, but all either 2012R2 or 8.1.  One of the servers that will not report to the WSUS server is the WSUS server itself. :)  These machines will still receive updates but they aren't reporting back.  The issues appear to have started after the July Windows Update Client (KB3065988) went live.

I have tried to post my troubleshooting steps, but the forum keeps killing my message saying it is spam, so I'm trying a short-and-sweet post first. :)


Issue with KB3045313 Security Update for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2


Hi All,

Currently we are facing issue with installing Security Update for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 (KB3045313) via WSUS.

Particularly with KB3045313. All servers have SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 installed and unable to install update KB3045313 via WSUS.

Rest of patches are getting install correctly.

Guys need your urgent help on this issue. 



Exporting WSUS Updates for manual installation?


Hello, I am hoping that someone may be able to assist me with this. 

I have been asked to look into copying the update files from a WSUS server so that they may be run either from a network location or from a DVD when installing legacy machines. The WSUS server will be decommissioned and there will only very occasionally be a need to run a fresh install of one of the legacy PCs or laptops. 

Because of this, management wants to stick all the updates into a folder and then run a script which will kick off an install of the lot (where applicable).

I've looked at the WSUS content folder but it is obviously divided up into many subfolders. Short of manually opening each of these and copying the files, is there anything I can do? If I DO have to do this manually, do I need both the .cab and the .exe files in these folders? And should I remove the .psf express installation files? I notice a few .txt files too?

Any help gratefully received!

domain users windows update when out of office



never thought about... want to ask.


laptop running windows gets updates from WSUS.

1. What will happens when out of office for let say 3 month?

Would update agent try to connect to WSUS server and fail or it will be automatically redirected to Microsoft Update?

Or user have to click Windows updated in Control panel?

2.  And let say the same laptop user click check for updates from Microsoft when out of LAN.

He/she uses Windows 7. With the latest and greatest W10 available he probably will get this update.

How properly to eliminate KBs not approved in WSUS from leaking for out of office domain users?


--- When you hit a wrong note its the next note that makes it good or bad. --- Miles Davis

Driver load appeared on 29 Jul 2015


A load of drivers appeared in my WSUS server (2012 R2) on 29 Jul 2015. The drivers classification was turned on at the time (although I don't remember this happening in the past).  After I turned it off, they are still present. Anyway to get rid of them or do I have to decline them all?


Server 2012 R2 Windows update error 80245006


After spending the morning on google I'm going to post here, windows update failing, my desktop PC updates fine but the servers are struggling, with the error code 80245006. Below is more information I found courtesy of event viewer.

(Having googled I've tried various fixes with regards to services and files on the machine, also the windows update repair tool)

Event viewer...

Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: WindowsUpdateFailure2
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: 7.9.9600.17336
P2: 80245006
P3: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
P4: Scan
P5: 101
P6: Unmanaged {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
P7: 8024500b

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol: 
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: fd5c4be1-2ba5-11e5-80c6-d4ae52b3749d
Report Status: 4100
Hashed bucket: 


wer file...

Sig[5].Value=Unmanaged {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version
DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID
FriendlyEventName=Windows Update installation problem
AppName=Host Process for Windows Services
ReportDescription=A Windows update did not install properly. Sending the following information to Microsoft can help improve the software.



tbXML grows out of control on spanish language SBS servers


I know this is an old subject - large WSUS databases. I already know about the solution of removing and putting wsus back. This is not the same issue.

I manage quite a few SBS installations and on some of them I see a problem where the wsusdb has grown beyond its normal 2-4Gb size. Typically it will hit around 20Gb with the vast majority of this space being occupied by the tbXml table.

These servers are always configured to only download spanish language patches. However the tbXml table contains xml details for many languages. I think all languages, though I'm not sure.

I could remove and put back wsus in each case, but this is not going to cure the problem if wsus pulls down the same data again. It doesn't seem to be possible to just do a 'delete from tbXml where languageId=nnn' and remove the other language entries. I've tried this in the past and ended up killing sus. If I remember correctly I have reinstalled wsus completely and seen the problem come back again.

so, anyone got any ideas as to whats going on or how to fix it?

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