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Publish Server Update status using IIS


Hi, I had setup the WSUS on a 2012R2 for my server environment. My job is to approve the updates and work with server owners (eg. Application team). May I know how to publish the server update status/report using WSUS server with IIS.

My other IT team can go to the site for checking their servers' update status and carry on the manual update job via remote desktop. Rather than remote to each of their server to check the updates been push.

I saw this feature before when I was with my ex-company. The WSUS team will send us a link and I will use the site to sort out those server which belongs to me to verify any new updates been pushed.

Appreciate your feedback soon.

KB3038314 causing IE crash


hey all,

hopefully i have the right forum for this question.

the IE cumulative update for the past few months has been causing IE to crash on one of our internal websites.

the March update (3032359) has a documented issue with table-based websites (which our internal site is); this issue isn't documented for the April update (3038314), however it's still crashing IE on this website.

if i understand the cumulative updates correctly, they're a roll up of individual IE updates.  from what i can see, there's no way to uninstall these updates one by one.

my current theory is there's an offending update within the cumulative that's causing the crashing issue, but not sure how to isolate the offending update.

make sense?  any help is appreciated.


wsus downstream server not showing up

OS: Windows 2003
WSUS: 3.0 SP1
Architecture: 3-tier WSUS, Level 1 approve/decline updates and sync with microsoft update websites; Level 2 is replica of Level 1; Level 3 is downstreamservers of Level2 and configed into autonomous mode.

We have a 3-tier WSUS infrastructure in test mode. The WSUS.Level1 server gets updates directly from Microsoft Updates. WSUS.Level2 server is a replica server of Level 1 server, i.e., upstream server is WSUS.Level1.  There are more than 20 other Level 3 WSUS servers use WSUS.Level2 as the upstream servers. Level 3 servers are setup as autonomous mode at this moment.

The Level 3 servers were created from an image that were sealed and syspreped before restoring the Image.

Microsoft Updates Server -> WSUS.Level1 -> WSUS.Level2 -> 20 other WSUS Level 3 servers

Q1: there are only three Level 3 serversshowing up in the Level 2 WSUS downstreamserver list (should be more as we have 20 WSUS level 3 servers). When I tried to manually sync from any Level 3  server, it will show up in the Level 2 WSUS downstreamserver list. However, it will replace one of the three servers that is already listed. Always 3 downstreamserversshowing up in Level2,  always! Any idea why this happens

Is .Net Framework is necessary to Windows PCs


Hi All,

In our current domain environment, we have win 7 and 8.1 PCs. Is it necessary to update with .Net Frameworks. Currently we do not have any application running with .Net framework. Is this .Net KB's are necessary for OS. Please advise.

Thanks in Advance.......

WSUS Syncronization failed


Since April 18, 2015 my WSUS Server failed to syncronize with the following error:

Connection is configured as:

Type: Local/SSL
Port: 8530

User role: Administrator

Server Version: 6.2.9200.16384 (Windows Server 2012 Standard)
Latest Windows Update Installation: April 15, 2015 - no problems

Check proxy settings : We are  using a Proxy Server and Internet Connection is working (Microsoft Update-Catalog is available).

Update Source: Syncronize from Microsoft Update

Firewall Profile(s) on the server is disabled, Update service is running, BITS service is running.

If anybody has any idea, please help...

Thanks in advance. Greetings Haecki



I installed IIS and php.  However IIS will not display php web pages.  Does anyone have a fix for this

Thanks Dexter

WSUS Sync Issue between Windows 7 Clients.


Hi All,

We have SCCM 2007 R2 with WSUS has installed on the same server and we have windows 7 clients almost 2000 machines.

After April month patch releasing we checked wsus server "Required Cloumn for Windows 7" machines, the required count is very low "80". We checked "All Computers" field & most of Client machines status as "Not yet Reported". But servers are okey & all of the servers scanned by wsus & there is no issue. Issue with Windows 7 client. This is my issue. I updated below windows update log from one machine which is affected.

2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error = 0x8024400D, soap client error = 7, soap error code = 300, HTTP status code = 200
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: SOAP Fault: 0x00012c
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: faultstring:Fault occurred
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: ErrorCode:InvalidParameters(7)
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: Message:parameters.OtherCachedUpdateIDs
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: Method:"http://www.microsoft.com/SoftwareDistribution/Server/ClientWebService/SyncUpdates"
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: ID:a2139655-6c05-4a6d-8cf0-fd65ed75d674
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x8024400d
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: SyncUpdates_WithRecovery failed.: 0x8024400d
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024400d
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 PT WARNING: SyncServerUpdatesInternal failed: 0x8024400d
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize, error = 0x8024400D
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024400D
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 Agent *********
2015-04-20 08:26:56:724 492 630 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = CcmExec] 

error = 0x8024400D  - The same error code shows on scanagent.log, wuahandler.log also.

I tried below steps but not worked.

*We've not changed any Group Policys related with WSUS.
*I tried client level troubleshoot like Renamed Softwaredistripution folder, Renamed ccmroot folder & Deleted root\ccm folder also.

* Today i checked WSUS version & client's WUA version both of them showing different digits, it's on issue ?

Update Services
Microsoft Corporation
Version: 3.2.7600.226

Client version: Core: 7.6.7600.320  Aux: 7.6.7600.320

I need your assist to resolve this issue....

Thanks in Advance,


missing MS11-025 - KB2565063


Hello Team,

I have Windows 2008 R2 Standard server, mbsa is latest but shows missing MS11-025 - KB2565063, in fact MS11-025 – comes with three KB’s two of them installed such as KB2538242, KB2538243 & KB2565063 missing, but control panel shows installed, I would like to get mbsa showing installed.

Can anyone help please, if you have similar situation. How you resolve it.

 Thanks in advance!

Domain computers can not connect to non-domain wsus


I have a virtual machine development lab that I don't use often.  The lab has a few computers set up on an Windows Domain.  I also have a WSUS server VM that is not part of the domain.  Non-domain development machines that I use regularly are able to connect to the WSUS server and update just fine.  The last time I used the domain VMs - including a domain controller and a Windows 8 VM - the domain VMs were able to update from the WSUS server.  That was about a year ago.

When I needed to fire up the lab domain this week, the domain computers are unable to update from the WSUS.  All of the non-domain computers update just fine.  The domain computers can ping the WSUS server and can browse to it in Network.  I have to provide credentials to access shares on the WSUS from the domain computers but, once I have provided credentials, I can access the data on the WSUS shares so I know it's not a network connectivity problem.

The WSUS and the domain controller are both Server 2012.  The development machine is W8.

Oh, and both of the domain computers were able to update successfully from Microsoft and still failed to update from WSUS after fully updating online.

Here's the log from the W8 computer:

2015-04-22    08:38:19:702     824    748    AU    Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2015-04-22    08:38:19:702     824    748    AU    Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-install notify} added to AU services list
2015-04-22    08:38:19:702     824    748    AU    Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    994    AU    #############
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    994    AU    ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    994    AU    #########
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    994    AU    Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Pre-install notify} added to AU services list
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    994    AU    <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {56ED198C-D0C9-4ACF-81DE-9AC48F494FA6} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent    *************
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent    ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent    *********
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent      * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent      * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent      * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent      * Search Scope = {Machine & All Users}
2015-04-22    08:38:22:717     824    a1c    Agent      * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-1737100290-3118147081-2218990707-1106
2015-04-22    08:38:22:732     824    a1c    EP    Got WSUS Client/Server URL: "http://dpwsus03/ClientWebService/client.asmx"
2015-04-22    08:38:22:732     824    a1c    Setup    Checking for agent SelfUpdate
2015-04-22    08:38:22:732     824    a1c    Setup    Client version: Core: 7.8.9200.17185  Aux: 7.8.9200.17185
2015-04-22    08:38:22:732     824    a1c    EP    Got WSUS SelfUpdate URL: "http://dpwsus03/selfupdate"
2015-04-22    08:38:23:060     824    a1c    Misc    WARNING: WinHttp: SendRequestToServerForFileInformation failed with 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:38:23:060     824    a1c    Misc    WARNING: WinHttp: ShouldFileBeDownloaded failed with 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:38:23:060     824    a1c    Misc    WARNING: DownloadFileInternal failed for http://dpwsus03/selfupdate/wuident.cab: error 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:38:23:060     824    a1c    Setup    FATAL: DownloadCab failed, err = 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Setup    WARNING: SelfUpdate check failed to download package information, err = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Setup    FATAL: SelfUpdate check failed, err = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Agent      * WARNING: Skipping scan, self-update check returned 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Agent      * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Agent    *********
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Agent    **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Agent    *************
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    a1c    Agent    WARNING: WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU    >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {56ED198C-D0C9-4ACF-81DE-9AC48F494FA6} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU      # WARNING: Search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU    #########
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU    ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {56ED198C-D0C9-4ACF-81DE-9AC48F494FA6} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU    #############
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU    All AU searches complete.
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU      # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 80244019
2015-04-22    08:38:23:077     824    b6c    AU    AU setting next detection timeout to 2015-04-22 18:38:23

and the log from the domain controller:

2015-04-22    08:26:43:328     904    314    AU    Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2015-04-22    08:26:43:328     904    314    AU    Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2015-04-22    08:26:46:344     904    ea8    AU    #############
2015-04-22    08:26:46:344     904    ea8    AU    ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2015-04-22    08:26:46:344     904    ea8    AU    #########
2015-04-22    08:26:46:390     904    ea8    Report    ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********
2015-04-22    08:26:46:390     904    ea8    Report      * OS Version = 6.2.9200.0.0.131344
2015-04-22    08:26:46:390     904    ea8    Report      * OS Product Type = 0x00000007
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Computer Brand = innotek GmbH
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Computer Model = VirtualBox
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Platform Role = 2
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * AlwaysOn/AlwaysConnected (AOAC) = 0
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Revision = VirtualBox
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Name = Default System BIOS
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Release Date = 2006-12-01T00:00:00
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Sku Number unavailable.
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Vendor = innotek GmbH
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Family = Virtual Machine
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Major Release unavailable.
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Bios Minor Release unavailable.
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    Report      * Locale ID = 1033
2015-04-22    08:26:46:406     904    ea8    AU    <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {6355F640-4B28-4E46-8DF7-29BED49A7806} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent    *************
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent    ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent    *********
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent      * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent      * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent      * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent      * Search Scope = {Machine & All Users}
2015-04-22    08:26:46:422     904    3c4    Agent      * Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-1737100290-3118147081-2218990707-500
2015-04-22    08:26:46:485     904    3c4    EP    Got WSUS Client/Server URL: "http://dpwsus03/ClientWebService/client.asmx"
2015-04-22    08:26:46:656     904    3c4    Setup    Checking for agent SelfUpdate
2015-04-22    08:26:46:656     904    3c4    Setup    Client version: Core: 7.8.9200.17185  Aux: 7.8.9200.17185
2015-04-22    08:26:46:656     904    3c4    EP    Got WSUS SelfUpdate URL: "http://dpwsus03/selfupdate"
2015-04-22    08:26:46:890     904    3c4    Misc    WARNING: WinHttp: SendRequestToServerForFileInformation failed with 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:26:46:890     904    3c4    Misc    WARNING: WinHttp: ShouldFileBeDownloaded failed with 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:26:46:890     904    3c4    Misc    WARNING: DownloadFileInternal failed for http://dpwsus03/selfupdate/wuident.cab: error 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:26:46:890     904    3c4    Setup    FATAL: DownloadCab failed, err = 0x80190194
2015-04-22    08:26:46:906     904    3c4    Setup    WARNING: SelfUpdate check failed to download package information, err = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:26:46:906     904    3c4    Setup    FATAL: SelfUpdate check failed, err = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:26:46:906     904    3c4    Agent      * WARNING: Skipping scan, self-update check returned 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    3c4    Agent      * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    3c4    Agent    *********
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    3c4    Agent    **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    3c4    Agent    *************
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    3c4    Agent    WARNING: WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    940    AU    >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {6355F640-4B28-4E46-8DF7-29BED49A7806} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    940    AU      # WARNING: Search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    940    AU    #########
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    940    AU    ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates  [CallId = {6355F640-4B28-4E46-8DF7-29BED49A7806} ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}]
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    940    AU    #############
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    940    AU    All AU searches complete.
2015-04-22    08:26:46:968     904    940    AU      # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 80244019
2015-04-22    08:26:46:999     904    940    AU    AU setting next detection timeout to 2015-04-22 18:26:46
2015-04-22    08:26:51:938     904    ef0    Report    REPORT EVENT: {99740F65-FCD5-47A5-A656-0DA742A77B51}    2015-04-22 08:26:46:906-0500    1    148 [AGENT_DETECTION_FAILED]    101    {D67661EB-2423-451D-BF5D-13199E37DF28}    1    80244019    SelfUpdate    Failure    Software Synchronization    Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x80244019.
2015-04-22    08:26:51:938     904    ef0    Report    WARNING: Failed to get ProtocolVersion: 8024043d
2015-04-22    08:26:52:109     904    ef0    Report    CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8
2015-04-22    08:26:52:109     904    ef0    Report    WER Report sent: 7.8.9200.17185 0x80244019(0) D67661EB-2423-451D-BF5D-13199E37DF28 Scan 101 Managed
2015-04-22    08:26:52:109     904    ef0    Report    CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)

I've spent hours researching and reading anything I can find on the two error codes but none fit my situation or resolve the issue.  I would appreciate any help.

[Windows 7] Windows Update Agent does not scan correctly


Hi All,

After manual installation of update Office 2010 SP2 (KB2687455) ... WUA does not report (KB2687455)as Installed: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2687455

KB2687455 update is reported as:

  • Update ID: 9c5e43a3-3ae9-434d-b105-a9d7902d5f9f
  • Update Title: Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 32-Bit Edition
  • MSI Product: {90140000-0015-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}
  • MSI Patch: {D6A2CD7F-C90C-4B90-BBA7-2BADE2E08610}

After investigation I found out that Windows Update Agent (verbose logging) is reporting this update as not installed: 

EEHndlr   MSI PatchInfo for product {90140000-0015-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} and patch {D6A2CD7F-C90C-4B90-BBA7-2BADE2E08610} returned 0x8007066f with state ''
EEHndlr   MSI PatchInfo for product {90140000-0015-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} and patch {D6A2CD7F-C90C-4B90-BBA7-2BADE2E08610} returned 'Unknown Patch'
Perf, PatchStateForProduct, time, 4, patch, primary, {D6A2CD7F-C90C-4B90-BBA7-2BADE2E08610}, product, {90140000-0015-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}, context, 112456208

Agent Update {9C5E43A3-3AE9-434D-B105-A9D7902D5F9F} is deployed for scan, and is installable. It will be reported asinstallable.

Update KB2687455 is shown in Programs and Features/Installed Updates as installed on this computer.


  1. This update is MSP (not standard update) so it cannot be queried by win32_quickfixengineering WMI class. How to query all installed updates on system (registry, API, ...)?
  2. How WUA query ALL installed updates?
  3. How to fix this issue?

Thank you in advance.


WSUS updates


I'm currently experiencing a strange issue with updates installed on clients with WSUS.
Currently WSUS setting is "3-Auto download and notify for install" so when users poweroff the PC, the "Install Updates and Shut Down" message appear.The problem is that after reboot, the Updates process fails and the installation process enters in a "loop".
If I manually install upadates I have no problems.
The only difference seems to be that by leaving Windows installing updates (WSUS policy), the user is logged off and then the update process starts, while if I manually install updates the user is still logged on during instalaltion.

Since the error is the "classic" 0x80070005,Access Denied it seems to be a permission issue.

Before posting
hundred lines of logs could someone tell me which user context is involved during the 2 ways to install updates?

Many thanks and best regards,


How to get and approve only windows 2008 R2 updates with powershell on WSUS 4 (running on 2012R2)


First, sorry for my english firt beacause it's not my native language.

I've build a new wsus server and I want to approve updates for servers groups only with powershell.

I've found two way to do this:

  1. Use "older" commande line :

         Use GetUpdateServer to create an object updateserver

         Use Getupdates() with ProductTitles -eq "Windows Server 2008 R2" filter

         But in this case I dont know how to Approve updates that were found by GetUpdates()

   2. Use new commande line :

        Use Get-WsusUpdate -Approval AnyExceptDeclined

        But in this case I can't use filter like thisProductTitles -eq "Windows Server 2008 R2" because it never return anything. I have this probleme only with this product (it's working for windows Server 2008, windows server 2012 and windows server 2012 R2)

        If you find the solution I will use Approve-WsusUpdate with a pipe to approve all this update for a group.

Thanks for answers


Unpredictable WSUS update behavior or I just don’t understand the WSUS process.


Last month I had started a thread about random WSUS clients failing to download updates and generating 403 errors. I am seeing the same behavior this month with a new wrinkle. The machines that generate the 403 errors 1). do not have any connectivity or permissions issues preventing them from accessing the WSUS server, 2). the failed machines appear to be random and 3). the failed machines are usually less than 15 in number out of 400+ identically configured and connected machines receiving updates. This month when the first batch of servers where scheduled to start downloading the approved updates all but 9 successfully download, rebooted and restarted completing the update process. The remaining 9 (a different 9 from the previous set) failed to download every update again with phantom 403 errors.

That was last week. This week I opened my WSUS server console only to see the machines that were previously updated and removed from the "failed or needed" list reappear in that list. Apparently the WSUS server has spontaneously decided that several past updates from 2012 to present are needed by these machines and as these updates were previously approved years ago the client machines have started downloading these updates and in some cases rebooting. This is particularly distressing as a). these are production machines that have a set reboot schedule and per the GPO should not reboot off schedule, b). The WSUS synch is only performed one time a month to prevent multiple update processing and reboot cycles and c). The spontaneous updating has created even more failed machines. Some machines are failing updates that were reporting as installed last week. Due to the erratic behavior and the apparent age of some of the updates I performed a WSUS reset by stopping the update service, deleting the old update folders from the WSUS server update directory, restarting the service and issuing aWSUSUtil.exe RESET to re-download the required updates from Microsoft. The WSUS server is a VMWare hosted VM with sufficient HD space and memory available.

I have a total of about 2500 machines that receive updates from this server at different scheduled times during the month. It is not always possible to accommodate this type of erratic behavior and stay on schedule. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unable to Install updates on 2008 R2 server


We deploy our updates through GPO and it works for all my server except the 2008 R2.  Those same server were working fine when they were receiving updates from our older 2008 WSUS server.  Now we are using a 2012 wsus server.  I do get the notifications that there are new updates but If I double click on the icon, once I get on the Windows update page the push Button "Install updates" is missing.  If use the commande line:  wuauclt /UpdateNow the updates are being installed.

Any help would be really appreciated.

WSUS Role on Server 2012 R2 fails - SQL Server Error "Schema Verification Failed SUSDB"


Server is Windows Server 2012R2

After installing the WSUS role with WID, when running the post installation task it installs the SUSDB in single user mode, runs all its scripts but then when it tries to set it it MULTI mode it fails with the error:

Schema Verification Failed SUSDB

If I log onto SQL Management Studio and try to set the database SUSDB to MULTI user mode manually it fails with the same error.

Detaching, deleting the susdb.mdf and .ldf files and re-running the post-installation task fails on the same error.

Uninstalling the WSUS and WID roles, deleting the C:\Windows\WID folder and reinstalling everything once again gives the same error during post installation.

Seems like a nasty bug.

Does anyone have any ideas? Perhaps there is a way to debug "Schema Verification Failed" errors in SQL Server?

WSUS Client: Warning: Failed to evaluate Installable rule


Hello, I am just wondering if these lines in the WindowsUpdate log file are worth anything?

I did stop the windows update service, rename the SoftwareDistribution directory and windows update log file and restart the service, but after the second detectnow phase, these entries come right back.

WSUS is reporting the machine is 100% on its updates, so it doesn't appear to be affecting the updates approved by WSUS, but will this cause a problem in the future?

2015-04-24	07:41:09:313	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {E9F8A9F2-4880-483B-B0AB-397C055A21F5}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:313	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {69B8A216-0681-4AB4-BA5B-4A146B8D7B86}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:359	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C21D3B5D-A534-4459-980C-943C06CF7BF6}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:359	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C646D973-56DD-480C-83CD-4CFE066B2FEA}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {5F4B0151-CCAC-41DA-9079-C6D4A703F960}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {02E3B73C-024E-482C-8E05-705D1DF6B4E1}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {EC42C422-2DB0-4148-B04A-68C84CCCCDAD}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {5393226C-3059-44A0-94CE-D6079D7C2443}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {AD1B2C8F-855E-4F27-A37A-997A1E3901FC}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {312937E9-3588-4ADE-A2A7-C9BA3C7BB422}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {6D4ECAA8-75CB-46A7-9AF8-CAC2AED1455D}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:375	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {5A068CD4-136C-4C9D-8A6C-AAE2654D7AA4}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:391	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {7D2F1876-E9B0-4EFD-B700-F076673E1341}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:391	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {36B7C92E-8EE2-405E-90B6-17E4AC94EFC9}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:422	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C61DDDA2-1F4B-4118-A128-8030F978D72A}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:422	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {72F62D7C-0264-4208-A030-BA70BB94A94E}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:437	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D2638826-F676-49B7-8B60-2382130040C1}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:437	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {286C4451-6F4D-4B0F-B145-ABD72EF8E749}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:437	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {42B675A1-1BD1-4EB4-AA20-C066E54D61E8}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:437	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {2326B0BE-D02D-4FB6-AC51-2E7FA6887730}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:469	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {8E4DFD70-BC25-43EB-B006-43C0C17E1319}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:500	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {6CCF7EC0-EE26-4E69-9700-6F0395CD3E53}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:500	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B3A2AA33-F59B-40F7-8E72-900C8CD6CE47}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:515	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {1B78CBF6-55DA-4A46-820C-1F96A61C4731}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:515	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B4874F3D-1AE0-4BB2-81FC-240B435C28D6}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:515	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {E2CDE9DD-A04B-4BFA-B9C8-C5F7A634971D}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:515	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {2A13BB64-EA55-4833-9DF0-F401E5203E23}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:531	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {357BD6E2-CFC1-4F16-9466-B9DC5A23241B}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:531	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {0381109D-5915-4CB4-B119-91EE9601A220}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:531	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {0CAC7D23-770A-49DD-A53F-8AE012DFAEA9}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:531	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {291F4841-C6BA-47A0-944D-5F1CB85F8EA8}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:531	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {AA11F93A-D961-4854-8C71-02065E4877DD}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:531	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {88621B67-D8A3-4168-BA5E-29F5977718E8}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:09:531	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B929A697-A66E-4D76-94E7-9E9966B5907D}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:030	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {A5F7F13B-432B-4689-B2B4-56D461386CBA}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:030	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {28F65027-C7B4-450F-A542-984C30634EDF}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:030	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {746B6A1A-4008-4096-8AEF-72158DA81814}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:046	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B79C6541-A50E-44FA-BD85-650B9F29A600}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:046	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {3ECD5993-E4A4-490F-8D9E-7254763A6E32}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:046	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {408E3A9B-E189-465A-BBF5-B850144C0F57}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:249	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {78323576-59BC-43FE-8614-7F0CACF668F9}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:249	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {6431C90B-144E-42A7-8BB2-B50B0EEA653F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:280	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {FCAA071C-F50E-468C-AC79-43B63135F1C2}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:280	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {EC8F2F38-4652-42D0-894C-A55025A2E6B6}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:280	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {ECF413C0-661D-48B7-9E92-EB1E1F331F51}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:295	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {727523B7-CF70-492A-8CA3-42B503B30A44}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:295	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {1F5EEE94-8B1E-4DD3-987D-D4D362FD953F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:342	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {85DE9EE2-EB1B-417E-B6CD-E406ED848718}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:342	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {359AE81C-B7B5-4ED2-B396-CD4BFDD19B04}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:342	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {476607E3-958F-4728-A1F0-A34B9EE28C15}.202, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:342	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {0E56D9A2-D296-4C7E-A9E9-2050584EF675}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:342	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {6171F4D1-65F4-433C-B57B-BEF690D19F37}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:342	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {F2E77C0C-AD64-410E-A947-8A2F86093FED}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:342	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {4F67A85B-F83D-490F-B03B-544C83E89CA7}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {0953826D-6B57-48F9-80C1-DBCD15E97B65}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {54A15DE3-9B59-4037-A0FB-7C5BFACEF4B5}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {FEBCBBED-CF31-44C4-A57A-956250EFB71C}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {DB2070B4-98C4-492F-B1A1-FF0FB15D0B32}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B5217F9B-B8F8-49A6-AD93-2C117F0EAFAA}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {0D776DFD-E823-418C-A4EB-AB0B95853B48}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {67D82EF1-A4E5-4E2F-BAA7-596210A99D5B}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {24B7354A-E897-45AB-A8CC-B190C58630C2}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:420	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B536EF09-242F-41FA-9BA1-6FEAA32D8078}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:685	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {BCE0500F-95EC-4C68-8A46-DC5882F3EAC9}.202, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:685	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {1C4F86FA-08A3-4441-A8FD-68F9C9F2FABB}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:685	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {8261517E-3693-45A7-A8AE-ECE30DA2484A}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:685	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {08AC759D-F8DC-4D6C-8A36-8E3C42E696FD}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:685	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {ADB5A20B-FA52-4D36-A891-9CD9355D867D}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:685	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {505165D7-0360-46B3-A26B-AD1210515F45}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:701	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {8AB4823B-40DD-40A0-ADAA-53F77F734144}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:701	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {EE4577B6-FC01-4225-BDE3-AED1AA22546D}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:701	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {F3A66F64-77DF-4E6B-81D1-27F25E5B0656}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:748	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {BCBD20D5-EC73-419E-B50D-58D9823E38B4}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:748	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {7158EB8D-4C5B-40D2-BB04-F92ACBA5D936}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:748	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {CDC94281-98F9-41FD-B6E0-F846175C8A91}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:763	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C00B417F-EEA9-4377-917D-B66C1E663B91}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:763	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {4B261711-088A-422A-B852-24E59F22B4B0}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:763	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {9D8E3EE5-71A6-4312-AF24-F3B3FFF77A7F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:763	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {56ADA4D0-D7C9-4EF2-8B56-B7A8EC1072A1}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:841	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D88169EC-9077-4A57-A3DA-C7D165A5288F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:841	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D05E58F6-25FD-4EA2-A5DF-5275F9A671AC}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:841	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {7BA21017-AC61-42FA-9EA4-A4051A19D891}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:841	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C43C10FF-985E-4172-843A-4CF1274FD9D7}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:857	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {25E39009-BA59-4A50-977C-55BE45288316}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:966	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {E917DEB3-CEB3-4D07-862A-C48C51BCA6F9}.202, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:966	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {9BCDB272-5020-4473-8228-7AC7568740D1}.202, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:966	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {33F03EFA-87A3-4DD4-9B63-12E3D1E98B6F}.202, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:966	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {F80EBB8F-B0FE-4D4E-8F53-3470A6E3D92E}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:966	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {335B7697-063E-46E9-B626-05F636B01411}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:966	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {E1C90226-6AA9-43B6-9912-958B975D7931}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:10:966	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {6AAC7B5B-4D9E-44E0-A741-CD07E80083DC}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:11:450	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D00C9253-4CC9-4120-91F5-CB35359447DF}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:11:450	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {24107EDC-45E4-476B-AEC4-68680BE1E6B8}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:11:450	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {BB6F5E4F-4BF7-4735-BB62-EBFFBF8B7622}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:11:450	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C6AA3251-CD93-4D90-BB60-B2459DC33EFE}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:11:590	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {0A863BCA-D1C3-462C-B5EA-37821DF5DE8F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:11:996	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B3DAF8DF-30E3-493D-9F0C-2E770528EC7F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:011	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {36C9CF85-7A14-4310-A1DA-8A6074C295AA}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:027	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {1081766C-B86A-44F3-B380-A64CFEB6A979}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:027	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {81661FC6-A584-4457-8462-F47003569206}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:027	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {7E4F4202-2171-4F21-B56D-39212AFB1A6E}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:027	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {626EC33F-85DD-4E16-8870-2CD611642A8E}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:043	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {1286348B-D0C7-455E-9179-739539090E48}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:089	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {9CC0749D-7F84-4506-A929-08C7D22FB301}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:089	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {136601AE-8D0F-4AB9-AF68-76A6668C1ADD}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:620	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D578E650-F5B4-4A88-88B3-EB90FAC35502}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:698	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {FE55B472-433C-44D1-AFAF-C97B23DF0853}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:698	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {04D4EB62-23DB-457F-969F-45E0381DDC3D}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:807	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D41EB62E-BFCB-4EAB-803E-B19D0788FD97}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:807	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {8E8D2766-F0AC-4361-B495-FF4D598556E7}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:807	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {7F2BE10A-3C3F-49F5-BB2D-F15BF08A64C5}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:823	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {328872D8-F1BE-40CE-B27B-C20448B4EB03}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:901	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {ACA5A8BA-FA61-4DD3-A5AF-B22E7235CF5C}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:12:901	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C38C9DC1-ADCD-4B75-9885-9C0B62A9CACF}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:041	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {5E8E7480-8A40-4DF5-B803-61B3A8DE5313}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:041	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {5131E273-7C39-44DA-9916-15574AB0FB91}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:057	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {4DEDA764-3D3F-4167-AB25-22D88A6FC3FB}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:057	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {E7924D33-F3F5-48E7-BA9B-0FD66120013A}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:103	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {B56A98FC-D02F-49E8-96DD-1A0DAA61D37F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:400	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {0357B1CA-AED6-44C7-BDAB-FDE5128C5126}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:400	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {507079AC-B364-4A2D-8764-73FB5B1B7694}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:478	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {DF443616-F244-4874-8D59-3DDCDB4A538A}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:478	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D4759408-5C36-41A7-9B83-2EE2D57C0CA0}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:587	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {A9DB9776-885B-45F3-BE61-5564AB550CEA}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:649	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {710CA3B8-1BE0-47C5-B094-88A2CA6552CC}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:649	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {D165248D-BD66-47B3-AE3A-C32E3EC82BF3}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:649	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {A02B38E3-D391-4514-BCE2-713E2B9120A2}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:649	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {73ACD243-EA95-481C-A019-B96D5FAA908F}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:649	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {71FC9644-6BF5-4939-954D-2D149F5D28CB}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:665	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {2E4B204C-EF52-4F7E-9748-176B1F32A854}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:681	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {5FA61F13-F145-4A48-86F7-E14A18354D10}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:681	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {631436DD-664C-444A-82F6-50DC33DBCEE2}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:681	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {FE521297-0DE8-4B17-B4C5-4B984422B49A}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:727	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {260DA88C-D838-4827-86EA-9C226E4DF3EB}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:915	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C2C0BFD4-5CA0-4D71-A7C4-C562617DC6AB}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:946	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C2030DB1-9522-443E-AA4A-02B293C450FA}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:946	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C4FF988C-DB9A-4683-8827-B93AED065393}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:946	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {8B2F38E3-E2AC-433D-90A0-BAF79BF795AF}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:961	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {7F4B5374-8A9E-4BF3-A511-F158E712246A}.202, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:13:993	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {374F8105-0C85-4419-AE80-F227EB431197}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:024	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {5E711724-7276-42B9-9316-6F699EC9503A}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:039	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {388FEE54-5205-41AB-9D53-F4BE6BC56FD6}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:039	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {2492A14E-C6C0-4F84-B82E-B6B54A638434}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:039	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {06196546-164C-42C2-ABD1-DCCF1283E5A3}.201, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:086	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {03A907A7-DEDE-49A0-B829-6F83B63620B1}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:273	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {F55D9AA1-197E-4C1A-B762-170433652311}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:273	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {F2E2F7D2-66D2-495B-BD24-0A2F870EC09A}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:289	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {E66DD7A6-333E-47A3-8004-FB94B60B1743}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:289	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {80667A13-FFDC-46F2-905F-A08BC425B221}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:14:710	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {086EBC5A-D4D6-4CEB-8DD5-7D32D06DD14F}.104, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:15:085	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {57FEC0B3-2024-457F-9F18-9DF7F332743D}.200, hr = 8007006E
2015-04-24	07:41:15:350	1012	40c	Agent	WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {AEE3AF32-FE4F-44BD-92B9-433DD05BD309}.101, hr = 8007006E

How to Extract the servers names that are requesting nonexistent computer groups


Hi Everyone,

On our wsus server we had to do some group clean up and had to delete some computer groups. Now we're noticing that some servers are still trying to report with the old computer group names. In order to update the GPO on those machines we need to know which ones they are.

Is there a way to extract from the database all the servers reporting with the nonexistent computer groups?

Thanks in advance for the answers.



WSUS on Windows 2003 adding a Windows 2012 r2 server


I am trying to detect a Windows 2012 r2 system on a WSUS 3.2 Windows 2003 with no luck.

What is the proper process?

Replace 2008 WSUS server with fresh 2012 R2 WSUS installation


We have a windows 2008 server with wsus installed in our domain. The plan is to replace this server with a 2012 R2 with WSUS for the same purpose. As I’m not a great fun of OS upgrading I decided to create a new freshly installed server. The distribution of windows updates for the clients is controlled by a set of GPOs with reference of the DNS name of the current 2008 server (e.g WSUS-SRV). Would it be possible that after the new installation is complete on the 2012 server we just shut down the old server, give the exact same name to the new one (e.g WSUS-SRV - with all the other general considerations of course) so there would no need to touch the WSUS related GPO references at all? Will the client start to use the 2012 server as the source for MS updates? What would be the limitations / potential errors of this scenario?

wuausrv memory leak


Hi Technet,

I have a Server 08 R2 installation with process svchost.exe gradually increases memory usage over time until the servers performance suffers.

Using process explorer, in the handles pane, errors in path C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\datastore.edb
The error:(An error occurred while reading or writing to a file).

Stopping the Windows update service clears the errors, restarting and they appear again.

I have run the Microsoft windows update fixit.

I have renamed the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder and allowed it to rebuild its contents.

I have used esentutl to both repair and defrag the datastore.edb, both performed successfully.
However the errors persist.

Can anyone assist in what my next troubleshooting steps would be please?



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