I am having problems with clients installing MS updates. From looking at the windowsupdate.log on the client the problem appears to be related to BITS. I do not have an in depth knowledge of BITS or how it works or what could cause it to fail. If this is
the wrong place to post these please point me to the correct place.
This is from the windowsupdate.log file
2015-05-07 13:50:23:320 1200 2a44 AU Getting featured update notifications. fIncludeDismissed = true
2015-05-07 13:50:23:320 1200 2a44 AU No featured updates available.
2015-05-07 13:50:25:227 3800 2100 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7601.18804, tz: -0400) ===========
2015-05-07 13:50:25:227 3800 2100 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
2015-05-07 13:50:25:227 3800 2100 Misc = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wucltux.dll
2015-05-07 13:50:25:227 3800 2100 WUApp No EULA acceptance needed
2015-05-07 13:50:25:227 1200 2a44 AU AU received approval from Ux for 1 updates
2015-05-07 13:50:25:227 1200 2a44 AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Progress Ux'
2015-05-07 13:50:25:305 1592 f48 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7601.18804, tz: -0400) ===========
2015-05-07 13:50:25:305 1592 f48 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
2015-05-07 13:50:25:305 1592 f48 AUClnt Launched Client UI process
2015-05-07 13:50:25:321 1592 f48 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7601.18804, tz: -0400) ===========
2015-05-07 13:50:25:321 1592 f48 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
2015-05-07 13:50:25:321 1592 f48 Misc = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wucltux.dll
2015-05-07 13:50:25:321 1592 f48 CltUI AU client got new directive = 'Interactive Progress', serviceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, return = 0
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU BeginInteractiveInstall invoked for Download
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {C22C4358-0189-4BFA-8A3D-2D2201B3EF8C}.200, ForUx=1, IsOwnerUx=1, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU Auto-approved 1 update(s) for download (for Ux)
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: 0 download(s) are still in progress.
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU #############
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU ## START ## AU: Download updates
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU #########
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU # Approved updates = 1
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU AU initiated download, updateId = {C22C4358-0189-4BFA-8A3D-2D2201B3EF8C}.200, callId = {2FEB346A-849D-4658-8F3C-CDEF1E53F56E}
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU Currently showing Progress UX client - so not launching any other client
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c DnldMgr *************
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c DnldMgr ** START ** DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c DnldMgr *********
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c DnldMgr * Call ID = {2FEB346A-849D-4658-8F3C-CDEF1E53F56E}
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c DnldMgr * Priority = 3, Interactive = 1, Owner is system = 0, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = 1, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c Agent * Title = Update for System Center Endpoint Protection 2012 Client - (KB3041687)
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c Agent * UpdateId = {C22C4358-0189-4BFA-8A3D-2D2201B3EF8C}.200
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c Agent * {D7255E9A-E307-4B2C-BD30-2B3AA1C4ABF9}.200
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU # Pending download calls = 1
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Download updates
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 284c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {D7255E9A-E307-4B2C-BD30-2B3AA1C4ABF9}.200] ***********
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU Getting featured update notifications. fIncludeDismissed = true
2015-05-07 13:50:25:337 1200 2a44 AU No featured updates available.
2015-05-07 13:50:25:352 1200 284c DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {AE3C3AA5-4F4C-404B-B96A-8AF6FFA667C7}
2015-05-07 13:50:25:352 1200 284c DnldMgr * Downloading from
http://servername.domainname.com:8530/Content/A4/230274D8B20BBE30FB94A287FD82670AF0309EA4.exe to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b1773501d683a1c72a259e23864db351\230274d8b20bbe30fb94a287fd82670af0309ea4 (full file).
2015-05-07 13:50:25:461 1200 284c Agent *********
2015-05-07 13:50:25:461 1200 284c Agent ** END ** Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]
2015-05-07 13:50:25:461 1200 284c Agent *************
2015-05-07 13:50:25:461 1200 301c DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {AE3C3AA5-4F4C-404B-B96A-8AF6FFA667C7} failed, updateId = {D7255E9A-E307-4B2C-BD30-2B3AA1C4ABF9}.200, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2015-05-07 13:50:25:461 1200 301c DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total = 28265576, bytes transferred = 0
2015-05-07 13:50:25:461 1200 301c DnldMgr Failed job file: URL =
http://servername.domainname.com:8530/Content/A4/230274D8B20BBE30FB94A287FD82670AF0309EA4.exe, local path = C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b1773501d683a1c72a259e23864db351\230274d8b20bbe30fb94a287fd82670af0309ea4
2015-05-07 13:50:25:524 1200 301c DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {C22C4358-0189-4BFA-8A3D-2D2201B3EF8C}]
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU #########
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU ## END ## AU: Download updates
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU #############
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU Currently showing Progress UX client - so not launching any other client
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 3734 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 1728 AU Getting featured update notifications. fIncludeDismissed = true
2015-05-07 13:50:25:539 1200 1728 AU No featured updates available.
2015-05-07 13:50:27:349 1200 31ac AU BeginInteractiveInstall invoked for Install
2015-05-07 13:50:27:349 1200 31ac AU Auto-approved 0 update(s) for install (for Ux), installType=0
2015-05-07 13:50:27:349 1200 31ac AU WARNING: BeginInteractiveInstall failed, error = 0x8024000C
2015-05-07 13:50:27:349 1592 f48 CltUI FATAL: BeginInteractiveInstall for install returned code 8024000C
2015-05-07 13:50:27:365 1592 f48 CltUI WARNING: AU directive Interactive Progress is exiting due to error 8024000C
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU AU received handle event
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: 0 download(s) are still in progress.
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU Triggering Offline detection (non-interactive)
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Install Complete Ux'
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU WARNING: Pending directive, 'Install Complete Ux', is not applicable
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU #############
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU #########
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 1c50 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {3A629E8B-F160-4A9F-AB2F-326790B752E5}]
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 284c Agent *************
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 284c Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 284c Agent *********
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 284c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 284c Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1
or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 284c Agent * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2015-05-07 13:50:27:380 1200 284c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}